Friday, October 29, 2010

Cold Marketing 101: Turning Conversations In To Qualified Prospects in 10 Minutes

Turning Conversations In To Qualified Prospects in 10 Minutes

In the last post we covered: Prospecting like a Pro. Have you been practicing? Come on. You know if you have or not. You’ve either been out and about meeting new people or you haven’t.

You’ve either been networking online and creating conversations with people or you haven’t.

Which is it? You need leads every day and I don’t think it really matters how you do it. It matters THAT you do it!

It might matter to you because how you do things has an impact on how much you enjoy your business which in turn determines how much you do of it.

You must find a way to prospect like a pro so that you can do it naturally every day.

Let’s talk about a really whizzy way of creating conversations and turning them into qualified prospects in just 10 minutes.

You’re out and about and you meet someone you like the look of. Maybe they have a sparkle in their eye, or they give you great service at the restaurant.

Now if you’re just waiting for people to come to you you’ll let that opportunity slip by. BUT if you’re committed to prospect like a pro you’ll find a way to CREATE A CONVERSATION.

Here’s the conversation formula I use to create a conversation:

Compliment or remark on something positive about the person or

Remark on something that is happening to you both such as, ‘How long have you been waiting here? Or ‘I hope it stops raining soon, or isn’t the coffee worth queuing up for here …’ You get the picture.

No talk about illness and scurvy! No moaning and belly aching. Just nice chit chat that lifts the energy around you and creates a rapport between you. Remember to SMILE and look them in the eyes when you talk.

People are usually very happy to chat. If they’re not then they disqualify themselves as a prospect for you anyway.

Establish some common ground by following what the person says and tying in anything that is the same for you or someone you know. This creates instant RAPPORT.

If there is a time crunch (they are working and you have to go!) you need to be very quick. Remember you have nothing to lose because you probably won’t see them again.

If you have time ask them about what they do. ‘I really enjoyed the meal and the service was excellent. Thank you. How long have you worked here?’

Ask as many quick questions as you can to gather as much info about THEM as you can and within a couple of minutes you can usually see if they have any desire to improve their situation. (Don’t waste the time talking about YOU!)

If they say oh I like working here and I’m saving up to go travelling round the world for 10 years then they are probably not a qualified prospect for you right now! The timing is off. (This is how you pre-qualify your prospects and don’t waste time)

If they say they’ve been working there for 20 years and are happy as they are … maybe they’re not a prospect for you. You can ask some more questions to be sure. A person with no ambition is not a prospect for you. (Sorry but that’s the way it is)

If they say they’ve been working there for a while now but would really love to move back to …. So they can live nearer their family. Jackpot! Here you have identified a NEED and they may be a prospect for you.

Gather their info quickly like a spy in the night! I like to use my phone. If you give out hundreds of business cards and wonder why no one gets in touch there is a clue in there.

YOU need to take control of the process if you want to prospect like a pro.

You say something like this, Well Donna, it was great to meet you. I know you’re busy and I have to run too but I was really impressed with the service you gave me. You know you mentioned that … XXX whatever their hot button might be …

I partner with a company that enables me to … (work from anywhere) or (work around my kids from home) or earn an additional income so I can send my kids to Drama School or ….

I don’t know if you have the skill set they’re looking for but I could send you some information about it and perhaps it will be a match for you too. If not no worries but it might be a way for you to XXX

Gauge their response. If they are nodding and, showing interest you say, ‘Ok let me take your contacts details quickly and I’ll be in touch.’

If they don’t look interested (they usually do if you’ve followed the formula) you can qualify them again by saying, ‘Does that sound good to you, or would you like to receive some information?’

Whip out your James Bond phone ever so smoothly and add them as a contact so they can see what you’re doing. Ask for their phone number, email and repeat back their name.

Finish it up with finding out when is the best time to call them. Tell them you will call them then ie; Tuesday evening around 8pm, or a weekday evening this week. It’s not a firm appointment but ensures they expect your call, and you waste less time playing phone tag.

Bid them good bye. Big smile and leave them feeling that their day was better for having met you; whether they join your business or not.

Follow up quickly.

There are a million different ways to do this and all of them work as long as you find your flow and create positive conversations with people. You can qualify people as prospects, like a pro, easily once you practice and develop your confidence.

The only way to develop your confidence and skills is to practice A LOT. Go prospect like a pro and create as many conversations as you can this week. Then consciously qualify them and practice turning them into real prospects for your business.

It’s proactive, exciting and it works. Remember not to be attached to the outcome. Your job is to qualify them as a prospect and send them the information tool but that’s a whole other blog …

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Welcome to the USANA family!  This online training is to supplement your knowledge and familiarity with the business.  It is not intended to replace our Tues & Thurs Basic Trainings & Call Parties.  Take your time and learn up on how to properly run your new USANA business.  Learning the fundamentals is key to your success.

To help you understand this training better, we advise for you to have a Kaizen Support training manual handy.  If you don't have one, contact your upline Director to get you one.

If you haven't gotten business started yet, get Started ASAP.

Minimum Package: $30 Registration + 200 pts of product sales. 

  • $30 BDS/Registration Fee (USANA Starter Pack, comes with BDS - Business Development System Binder & business building tools)
  • 200 PV points (Personal Volume).  Just simply try or sell 200 pts. of USANA products to your friends & family.  We usually do this with a SPA Party to help fund your initial investment.  Contact your Director ASAP to set up your first Spa Party.

USANA Business Packages - Highly Recommended.  Better Value! See your upline Director for more information!

We always start our trainings with first True Health (Dr. Myron Wentz's Vision & Products) and second True Wealth (The Business side of USANA).

Introducing Dr. Myron Wentz, Founder of USANA Health Sciences


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monavie FDA Warning Letter

Monavie FDA Warning Letter

Download a pdf copy of the Monavie FDA Warning Letter.

New Vision International (Vemma) FTC Law Suit

BK Boreyko New Vision International & Vemma Founder

Multi -Level Marketing Company to Settle FTC Charges
That It Made Unsubstantiated Claims That Its "God's Recipe"
Dietary Regimen Could Cure ADD/ADHD

FTC News Release, December 8, 1998

New Vision International, Inc., a multi-level marketing company that sells nutritional supplements, its affiliated company, NVI Promotions, L.L.C., and their principals, Jason P. Boreyko and Benson K. Boreyko (collectively "New Vision") have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that they made unsubstantiated claims in their advertisements for a combination of New Vision dietary supplements they called "God's Recipe." In a separate agreement, Max F. James, a high-level distributor of New Vision products, has also agreed to settle FTC charges over his role in selling God's Recipe. The ads claim that God's Recipe can cure Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ("ADD/ADHD").

New Vision International, Inc., and NVI Promotions, L.L.C. are based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Max F. James resides in Roseville, California.

This is the FTC's first case involving ADD/ADHD, a behavioral disorder which affects up to 2.5 million school-aged children in the United States. ADD/ADHD's symptoms include inattention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. Although these behaviors are common in nearly all children at times, in children with ADD/ADHD the behaviors are chronic and age inappropriate. The most commonly prescribed medications for treatment of ADD/ADHD are stimulants, such as Ritalin.

"The ads exploited parents' fears of prescription drugs like Ritalin by making claims that God's Recipe was a natural, safer alternative for treating ADD and ADHD," said Jodie Bernstein, Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. "New Vision lacked the substantiation the Commission requires for that claim. Companies or individuals who make health-benefit claims for dietary supplements or other products must substantiate those claims under Commission law. Supplement marketers should refer to the FTC's recently released 'Dietary Supplements: An Advertising Guide for Industry' for specific guidance on how to comply with this requirement," Bernstein advised.

New Vision sells a wide variety of dietary supplements through independent distributors. New Vision has developed a multilevel marketing plan that allows distributors to earn money by selling the products at suggested mark-ups to consumers and by recruiting and training other individuals to be distributors of New Vision products.

New Vision's written materials and audiotapes touted three dietary supplements that comprise God's Recipe -- "PC Grape Seed Extract with an Herbal Blend" (a mineral tonic drink); "Essential Minerals" (an antioxidant capsule); and "Multi-Enzymes with Alfalfa/Barley Sprouts" (a multi-enzyme tablet) -- as a natural alternative to the prescription drug Ritalin for children suffering from ADD/ADHD. Similar products are also found in a typical health food store, as well as through other marketers of nutritional supplements.

According to the FTC's complaint detailing the charges, the respondents did not have a reasonable basis to substantiate their claims that:

  • God's Recipe can cure, prevent, treat or mitigate ADD/ADHD, or its symptoms;
  • God's Recipe is an effective alternative treatment to the prescription drug Ritalin; or
  • testimonials from consumers in their ads reflect the typical or ordinary experience of consumers whose children have used God's Recipe.

In two separate settlements to these charges, announced today for a public comment period, the respondents, when advertising God's Recipe or any other food, drug or dietary supplement, would be prohibited from representing that:

  • such products can cure, prevent, treat or mitigate Attention Deficit Disorder or its symptoms;
  • such products can cure, prevent, treat or mitigate Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or its symptoms; or
  • such products are an effective alternative treatment to the prescription drug Ritalin for Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder;

unless they possess competent and reliable scientific evidence to support the representation at the time the representation is made.

In addition, the respondents would be prohibited from representing that the use of any food, drug, or dietary supplement can treat, cure, alleviate the symptoms of, prevent, or reduce the risk of developing any disease or disorder, unless they possess and rely upon competent and reliable scientific evidence that substantiates the claims at the time they are made. The proposed settlements would allow the respondents to make representations specifically permitted by the Food and Drug Administration.

The proposed settlements would also prohibit the respondents from deceptively representing that any user testimonial or endorsement of a product represents the typical or ordinary experience of members of the public who use the product.

In addition, the proposed settlement with the New Vision respondents contains requirements designed to ensure that they effectively police the advertising practices of their independent distributors.

Finally, both settlements contain standard record keeping provisions designed to assist the FTC in monitoring the respondents' compliance.

An announcement regarding the proposed consent agreements will be published in the Federal Register shortly. The agreements will be subject to public comment for 60 days, after which the Commission will decide whether to make them final. Comments should be addressed to the FTC, Office of the Secretary, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580.

The Commission vote to accept the two consent agreements for public comment was 4-0. The FTC's San Francisco Regional Office handled the investigation.

NOTE: Consent agreements are for settlement purposes only and do not constitute an admission of a law violation. When the Commission issues a consent order on a final basis, it carries the force of law with respect to future actions. Each violation of such an order may result in a civil penalty of $11,000.

Copies of the complaints, two consent agreements and analyses of the agreements to assist the public in commenting are available from the FTC's web site [search for New Vision] or by calling 202-326-3627. Copies of the documents are also available from the FTC's Consumer Response Center, Room 130, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580; 202-FTC-HELP (202-382-4357); TDD for the hearing impaired 202-326-2502. To find out the latest news as it is announced, call the FTC NewsPhone recording at 202-326-2710.

Brenda Mack
Office of Public Affairs
Matthew Gold or Sylvia Kundig
San Francisco Regional Office
901 Market Street, Suite 570
San Francisco, California 94103

(FTC File No. 962-3270)

Gano Excel USA FDA Warning Letter

Gano Excel USA FDA Warning Letter

Gano Excel U.S.A. Inc. 15-Apr-04

Department of Health and Human Services

Public Health Service
Food and Drug Administration

Los Angeles District
19701 Fairchild
Irvine, California 92612-2506
Telephone (949) 608-2900



April 15, 2004
W/L 34-04

Mr. Bernardo T. Chua
Gano Excel U.S.A. Inc.
4981 Irwindale Ave., Suite 800
Irwindale, CA 92260

Re: promotion of various products including Ganoderma capsules, Excellium capsules, Gano Garcinia capsules, and Sakanno

Dear Mr. Chua:

This letter is in reference to the products marketed and distributed by your firm Gano Excel U.S.A. that contain the ingredient “Ganoderma.” The various products are: Ganoderma capsules, Excellium capsules, Gano Garcinia capsules, and Sakanno.

On November 5-19, 2003, representatives of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspected your firm and collected labeling for your products. We also reviewed your website at Our review of your website and the labeling of your products indicates serious violations of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (the Act). We have determined that your products are drugs under Section 201(g)(1)(B) of the Act because they are intended to treat, mitigate, cure, diagnose, or prevent disease. You can find the Act and FDA regulations regulations on the Internet through links on FDA’s web

Your web site at the address: http:// contains the following claims about treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of disease:

  • “Ganoderma helps to detect hidden diseases... ”
  • Ganoderma, “is known . . . for its power to remove...excess cholesterol.... ”
  • Under “Why we need to take Ganoderma ?” it states that Ganoderma “has the ability.. . to discover if we have hidden diseases in the body. Then it removes the toxins and enables the body to treat a wide spectrum of diseases with the natural immune system. ”
  • The “Testimony” section of your website promotes Gano Excel for the treatment of gout, diabetes, and psoriasis.

These drugs are misbranded within the meaning of section 502(f)(1) of the Act, in that the labeling for these drugs fails to bear adequate directions for use.

The labeling of your products indicates that you intend to sell Ganoderma capsules, Excellium capsules, and Sakanno as dietary supplements. If you intend to market these products as dietary supplements, they must meet the definition of dietary supplements in Section 201(ff) of the Act, and must comply with the applicable food labeling regulations in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 101 (21 CFR 101). Even if the products meet the legal definition of dietary supplements, however, they may be subject to regulation as drugs based on claims in labeling or advertising. Section 403(r)(6) of the Act provides that structure/function claims may be made on the labeling for dietary supplements under certain circumstances. Marketing a dietary supplement with express or implied claims to prevent, treat, mitigate, cure, or diagnose a specific disease, or class of diseases, violates the Act unless FDA has authorized the claim in accordance with applicable health claim regulations, see 21 CFR 101.14 and 101.70, through the new drug approval process, see 21 CFR 314, or through the issuance of an OTC monograph, see 21 CFR 330.

This letter is not an all-inclusive review of your web site and the products that your firm markets. It is your responsibility to ensure that all products marketed by your firm comply with the Act and its implementing regulations. Please notify this office in writing, within fifteen (15) days Tom the receipt of this letter, as to the specific steps you have taken to identify and make corrections to assure that similar violations will not recur. If corrective action cannot be completed within 15 working days, state the reason for delay and the time within which the corrections will be implemented.

Your written reply should be addressed to Compliance Officer MaryLynn Datoc at the above address.



Alonza E. Cruse
District Director

Friday, October 8, 2010

Xowii energy drink MLM merging with 3 other juice/drink companies


Xowii merged all the distributors from three companies into its downline. This is the first time ever to be done in one month!

Ed. Opinion: Could be all the new companies trying to start, getting knocked to their knees, then getting help (smart). Normally there are a little over a 1000 new startups a year - 2010 = 2000


Friday, October 1, 2010

Downey man charged with running alleged Ponzi scheme

Downey man charged with running alleged Ponzi scheme

Federal prosecutors say his company, Financial Plus Investments, ripped off Latino homeowners and investors. Two suspected accomplices are in custody.

More information here: